Country #79 - Bahamas Day 2

The Beach

The long day of travel was made completely worth it today because we spent the entire day at the beach! I slept in (thank goodness) before heading outside around mid-morning. My mom had been up since 6am she was so excited for the beach! I joined her in the chairs right outside of our room for a bit, and then we decided to participate in some of the free activities at Old Bahama Bay!

Our first adventure was to try out the kayak. We successfully rode in the kayak together without falling out or generally making a huge embarrassment of ourselves. The coolest part was finding a giant starfish! It was huge and just as clear as can be in the blue water under our boat. After we got sick of attempting to pretend we knew what we were doing we headed back to shore and I decided to try out the paddle board next. It was probably quite entertaining to watch because the board was in such a shallow area of the water to start that it took me forever to paddle enough to where I could finally stand up. It’s pretty challenging on even the smallest of waves but it was fun to try.

After our water adventures, we went inside for lunch (consisting of lots of snacks that we brought) before enjoying outside even more. The sunset relatively early so we sat on the porch for a bit before heading to eat dinner at the restaurant at Old Bahama Bay. I was excited for some real food! I had a yummy burger with some mashed potatoes and was very satisfied. We headed back to the room where I worked on planning for a bit while my mom went to sleep early yet again. I followed soon after as I was stuffed and starting to get sunburnt so the beach exhaustion was setting in!

79 countries down, 117 to go.

Read about my first day in the Bahamas here.

Read about my third day in the Bahamas here.

To learn more about Old Bahama Bay click here.